Notices and website changes

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16th July
Apologies that I've been a bit tardy of late in updating the reports page, all down to the mess created by the compulsory move of our website to a new platform and the loss of our security certificate, which has resulted in an increase in hosting costs from £33.10 to £201.31 for two years, added to which is a £41 fee for a new security certificate that we had free before. Needless to say, I can't see me keeping our website with the current hosting company, so will be shopping around.

Don't forget the "Follow the Velo" run is on this coming Sunday - 10.30am at the Caerphilly Mountain Cafe, The following day is the Fish & Chip run - 7.00pm from the south side of Cowbridge Common. Please let us know if you intend to wish to eat, so that we can let the venue know of our numbers.

25th June
Please note that the Fish & Chip run has moved from the 8th July to the 22nd July. Please let us know if you intend to partake - you are, of course welcome to come out for the ride and not have the Fish & Chips.
This website will be moving to a new hosting at some time in the next month or so and, with any luck, you will not see the difference. I shall post a note on this page when done.

21st April
Some notes on the bus trip and Spring run are now on the Reports page in the Lounge.

17th April
Sadly, Wynn Gray passed away on the 6th April, with Brian Gray dying on the 12th April. Brian's funeral is scheduled for 11.30am on Thursday the 25th at St Brides Major church, with a burial afterwards. Followed by a get together in The Fox pub.

2nd April
It has been decided that the replacement events for the six Wednesday evening ride outs will now take place during the day and not be a Breakfast run to Fosters Cafe. Meeting at the Multiplex cinema in Treforest for a 11am start, possibly stopping on the way for refreshments.

27th March
After previous wednesaday evening ride outs loosing support, it was decided to try a Wednesday breakfast ride out instead and the first 'Breakfast ride out' on the 26th April is to Fosters Family Cafe - found in Coedcae Lane on the west side of Talbot Green - take the sign to 'Lanelay Road Ind Est' and then take second left. After turning left the cafe is straight through to the far end. Breakfasts are good, some of us have already tried them out. After breakfast there may be a run out - to be decided on the day, weather depending.

19th March
Last nights evening meeting was the curry and quiz, run by Howard J.
Bryn T came out best in the quiz and the Llanharry club did us proud with the curry etc.
Don't forget the bus trip to Sammy Millers Museum - I'm told that there are three seats still not taken, so if you'd like to go, please let me know and I'll pass your name on to the organiser, contact me via the email on the Office page. Cost is £35, which includes bus cost, museum access at £9.50 and a hoped for workshop tour by Sammy himself.
Final piece of information is that the VMCC subs are to be reduced from the 1st April.Down from £55 to £49 and if paid by direct debit, £47.
Sadly we have lost Alun Williams, one of our older members. No details of funeral etc yet.

15th February
Note the bus trip cost above. Added to that I've had details of the Llanishen School Bike Show on the 30th/31st March (free entry and free tea and cakes for exhibitors). Note that Autojumbler pitches are free.

12th February
A mini bus has been arranged for a trip to Sammy Millers Motorcycle Museum in Hampshire. The museum is well worth a visit with entry to the museum at £9.50. There is a cafe on site for food etc. The mini bus has 15 seats and there are 3 places left - please let Bob know on his email if you'd like one of the seats. I'm unsure of the cost of the bus at the moment and will post it here when I know. 

9th February
I've just received the latest CMB magazine - now found on the button above. Somewhere along the line I had been missed off the mailing list. Have alook at the magazine - I'm not sure about the Red and Yellow BMW. It's been painted to a high standard but does seem a bit garish.

6th February
I've managed to corner Peter Benger, our Section Secretary from 1972 to 1976, to give us his talk on "Why I joined the VMCC" - it's scheduled for the 15th April, please don't miss it, as there will be quite a few photographs of early section activities. I've only recently heard that another of the section's founder members has passed away - Tim Rhys-Roberts, who was living in a care home in North Wales. of the current members I suspect that only Terry Hopes and myself would have known Tim. I bought my 1923 Triumph, fully restored, from him in 1959 - cost £17.10s. Doesn't time fly!!

24th January
A few photos from the presentation evening on the 22nd are now on the reports page.

22nd January
We have been sent an invite to enter some of our bikes in the Vale of Glamorgan Classic Car Show at Sully Sports Ground on Bank Holiday Monday the 27th May - entry is free if done before the 31st March. Check out their website here.
We've also had some information from our Area Rep, Roger Bibbings, concerning the VMCC AGM on the 17th March - please have a read here.

9th January
At last nights section meeting we only had 9 attendees for the Section presentation dinner on the 22nd. It was discussed and agreed that we should cancel the event, as it would have been unfair to ask the Llanharry club to cater for such a small number.

14th December
The day after Boxing Day run is to the Red Lion on the A48 in Bonvilston and they have confirmed that they will be open and serving food - see you there. Happy Christmas everyone.