photo to see a larger picture - then just follow the slide show.)
April 2010. The first date of interest and the club AGM
and my inauguration as the VMCC President for 2010/11. The section
organised a bus to take members to the meeting
and I did find it nice to
have such support from the members, although the fact that the meeting
was held at the National Motorcycle Museum must have been an
attraction. Photos and report on the Runs/Reports page in the Lounge.
April. Jean and I headed for Cheddar with our 1959
Triumph outfit and the Somerset Sections Cheddar weekend. Two
days of riding with us getting hopelessly lost at one point -
but the weather was glorious and that didn't really matter as we found
our way back to the finish. All in all a super weekend with a buffet
night being held on the Saturday and me leaving my camera at home.
25th April - saw me leave home very early for the Classic
Motorcycle show at Stafford. I was there by 8.30 and spent most of the
day on the club stand meeting and talking to many people. A very
enjoyable day, I must say.
2nd May - The Relay Rally. Jean and I took our '59 Triumph
outfit again and visited several section
checkpoints on a rather cold and windy day.

May - We were due to ride the 1925 Indian in the Burton
Parade, but the week before I had arranged to collect the 1923
P&M sidecar outfit from Burton so we set off early with an
empty trailer. The story of the P&M can be seen in another
article. One of my tasks at the parade was to flag the entrants off and
there were over 100 of them. It did make me a touch jealous as the
weather was fine and sunny, however, it was nice to unwind in the
grounds of the Marston Brewery sports club. In no time the bikes were
returning and we were soon sitting down to a sumptuous buffet lunch
with some of the event sponsors and Ivan Rhodes. I presented many of
the prizes and must say that both Jean and I had a very pleasant day,
with Jeannie being presented with a bouquet of flowers. After the event
we collected the P&M and I saw the new club van for the first
time, with our picture on it.

- Weymouth Week - We had entered our '59 Triumph outfit for this week
long event and as it required an MOT, I took it on the day
before we
were to set off to Weymouth. For some reason or other the motor
developed a
cough on the way back from the MOT station and despite changing plugs,
leads and Magneto, plus draining any water out of the carb, I
find the problem - so we took the Morini instead. Jean and I couldn't
stay for the whole week due to our own section weekend on the
21st/23rd, which is reported in the Runs/reports page of the Lounge,
but we had a super time and would certainly go again.
- South Wales Presidential dinner, Presidents run and Seaside run
weekend. What can I say, it was great and the weather was extra
specially kind to us all. See the report on the Runs/reports page in
the Lounge.
29th/30th May
- Jean and I had been invited to the Lakeland Sections Back Green Rally
that was held at Hesket Newmarket, just to the north of the Lake
District. We had a horrendous drive up the
M5/M6 on the Friday afternoon - well it was a bank holiday and we had
to contend with six traffic jams. I had entered the 1925 Indian and
that had gone bang at the start of the Seaside Run so the Nimbus was
dug out from the back of the garage and quickly MOT'd and Taxed. It was
used by Bruce and Di on the Dragon tour 2008 - but at least it was
reliable. The Saturday run saw us head into the lakes area and, as was
expected it rained. My super dooper new guaranteed waterproof suit let
loads of water in and the whole run was a bit on the miserable side -
if it was a
glorious day we'd have been able to enjoy the scenery. Luckily the
Sunday run was dry and great fun. I must say that the roads in the
north of the Lake District are some of the most lovely that I have ever
ridden. The high spot was presenting the awards at the end of the day -
the low spot, the unfriendly welcome from all of the three pubs that we
to patronise.

5th/6th June
- The weather looked good for the Flat Tank weekend and Terry and Dilys
were already 'on site' by the time we arrived. There were 51 entries
and the Saturday run saw us take the 1908 Triumph outfit out for it's
first run this year and the bike performed impeccably - as all Triumphs
should, of course. Jean didn't have to get out once during the
morning run and I was feeling quite chuffed at the lunch stop as the
bike had climbed all the hills so far. The afternoon was to turn out a
little different though as there was an 'observed section' which I had
no chance of getting up - so it was a case of get out and push, luckily
there were a couple of helpers to hand. One other hill stopped us as
well - it was a right turn off the main road and it just went straight
up so I couldn't take a run at it. By the time we made the next time
check I'd recovered a bit but was rather sweaty, I must say. The run
back to the finish from there was an easy one thank goodness. Terry was
already back on site when we arrived but then he was on a faster time
schedule than us. For Sundays social run we used the Nimbus and rode
with Terry and his Side Valve Beardmore all day - first stop was at
Joyce Cobbings to view what was left of her collection of unrestored
machines, all a bit of a sad sight really. The lunch stop was at a
super pub near Much Marcle with the afternoon stop at the home of Tim
Cameron to view his collection of Morgan three-wheelers etc. Whilst
there we experienced a heavy downpour, but by the time it came to leave
the rain had stopped, so the final run back to the finish was completed
without any problems. All in all a great weekend. Photos by Terry H.

13th June
- We set off early for Swindon to ride with the Moonrakers Section on
one of their organised events. Not knowing what sort of roads, hills
etc would be encountered, we decided to take the '74 Morini. The plan
was to head for my brothers house in Swindon and unload the bike there
as the start was in Wootton Bassett and the finish, for
lunch, the other side of Swindon at Stratton. We left home at 7.45am
and made good time to brother John's house. The weather looked good
with just a touch of breeze and a few light clouds. So, having unloaded
the bike and togged up we set off for Wootton Basset and were there to
sign on by 10am. One of the first there was Andy Phelps with his
Tiger100. First time that I'd met him and he's not a relative, by the
way. At 10.30 some 13 bikes set off to north Wiltshire and
Gloucestershire through some very pleasant lanes. Up around
Cirencester we passed through Daglingworth, the very village where the
photo of Jean and I and the 1908 Triumph, as seen in the June journal,
was taken. I recognised the place immediately. Soon there followed a
stop for coffee at the Cotswolds Water Park, before we headed off to
the Rat Trap pub and our Sunday lunches. I thoroughly enjoyed the run -
all the bikes ran in convoy and not one had the need to pass any other
and hare off into the distance as though they were in a race. A proper
club run, in my book. Back at my brothers we loaded up, had a cuppa and
were soon on the way home after a smashing day with no
20th June - The Banbury run.

25th June to Friday 2nd July - Scarborough week. Jean and
I were not sure as to what to expect with this event as we set off on
the 300 mile trip to Scarborough. We were to stay in a small hotel in
the town while Bruce and Terry were located on the camp site, with Terry
being charged with looking after our Morini for the week. Each day the
runs started at 10.30 and basically took the same routes as Terry had
reported in his article for the 2009 event. There was a change for one
day and we visited the Yorkshire Air Museum instead of Eden camp. Each
day the runs were well over 100 miles and towards the end of the week
it was beginning to tell on most of us. Just a sign of getting older, I
suppose. For me the highlights were Tuesday and Thursday nights when
Dave Stewart provided a good selection of music. The photos should say
it all - as to the weather? It was excellent apart from a drop of rain
in the afternoon on day 4.

10th and Sunday 11th July
- Mallory Park, the Festival of a 1000 bikes. I've always considered
this not to be my sort of event and given the choice would
preferred to ride in the Kings Lynn Veteran weekend. Anyway, The
weather forecast was excellent. I was on my own for this event and
staying with Harry and Fran Wiles for the weekend. Jean remained at
home as there was a lot of preparation to do for the Monday nights BBQ.
I set off on the Friday for
Mallory as I was to make myself acquainted
with the clubs 1904
I was due to ride it on Saturday in the Veteran and Cyclemotor session.
As it happened the bike did not turn up until quite late, so I didn't
get a chance to give it a try. I'd already signed on and got my riding
number which I attached to the bike after I'd wheeled it into the
marquee that housed the bikes of the past masters. On taking a good look
at it I found that there was damage to the rear end making the bike
pretty unusable with the back wheel rubbing the frame where
had been twisted. At Harry's, that evening, we sorted out some tools
and a few nuts and bolts with the plan to have a look at
the bike
the following morning.
Up at 6am and off to the
circuit. David Davies,
Harry and myself studied the bike and after pushing, pulling, levering
etc, we managed to get the bike into a usable condition
the wheel would rotate, but still rubbed the mudguard
slightly. David undertook to sort the bike during the winter
as I
am down to ride it in the Pioneer run in March 2011. I spent the
morning all over the place walking and talking to a lot of
while out on the track, the sessions were running well.
must say that I was impressed with a Vincent twin and Steib that held
it's own with the racing outfits - well, it was all only a parade after
all, but when you're on the track the red mist does change things a
bit. In order to ride the Dreadnought I had to wear full motorcycle
clobber and found it all a bit uncomfortable as it was a gloriously
warm day. I set all the controls on the bike and had a push off. In no
time the engine was running and I was out onto the tarmac. My claim to
fame is that I passed three bikes, a Mobylette, a Cucciolo and a Power
Pak - at least no one lapped me. I must have completed 7 or 8 laps and
it was all over, all too soon. The only heart stopping moment came at
the hairpin as I had found that the engine had very little retardation,
unlike my veterans. I tried various ways of taking the corner and on
one lap I fiddled with the ignition and as I rode the bike around the
corner and headed for the straight - the engine stopped!!. A quick look
and I found that I'd switched the ignition off. Flicking the switch
back on, the engine fired and, very slowly, plonked off down the track.
Phew, that was lucky, as there was a big crowd of spectators at that
The rest of the day was spent doing more PR work and at 6pm
Harry and I headed for home feeling a bit shattered. Sunday, and it was
the turn of the race bikes - they were impressive, especially the Honda
250cc 4 cylinder machines - I counted 18 out on track at one point.
Midday and things stopped for a few minutes as the Sprint boys set up
for their demonstration - two at a time they went up the
track. There
was a bantam and even a Norton 16H having a go. I managed to get myself
onto the starting line to watch and was lucky to get some good photos -
too many to post here, unfortunately. The crowd watching was quite
large, as you can see in some of the pictures - but as a demo, it was
just the job and terrific to watch. The day soon came to an end and as
I contemplated the weekend on my way home, I decided that it was all
well worth it as it sure was spectacular. Did the weekend live up to
it's name - you bet, 1065 bikes took to the track and I was
that it was Mallory Park's largest motorcycle event - out doing even
the super bikes weekend. The only down point was that the official
photographer did not turn up on the Saturday, so I did not get a
picture of me riding the Dreadnought.

18th July
- East Lancashire sections Bowland Run. Jean and I set off for Garstang
and the B&B that I'd booked for the Saturday. This time we went
through mid Wales as there are times when the M5/M6 around Birmingham
can be frustrating, to say the least, so this was very much an
experiment to see how the route faired. The mileage was even a bit less
to Garstang, but the time about one and a half hours more. However, it
was well worth it for the trouble free drive. Sunday dawned
the weather had definitely turned for the worse. We arrived at
starting point of John Proctors farm on the edge of the Bowland Fells
and unloaded the bike. It was certainly wet weather gear, however, some
12/13 bikes turned up for the event that normally would have attracted
over 40. There was even a couple of bikes from the East Lancs section
who had come over from Blackpool to join the run. The route was 65
miles but it was decided to curtail it a bit and run on the follow the
leader basis - just as well really, as visibility was dire. All the
lovely views that we had hoped for just melted into the distance and it
wasn't until we were nearly back at the finish that I spotted Blackpool
tower in the distance. We took the Nimbus on this event and it ran well
apart from me making a few mistakes with the gearchange - the box is
just not meant to be hurried in any way and there are plenty of false
neutrals in it, if not used properly. Back at the finish there was some
hot meat and potato pie and rhubarb or apple tart. Jeannie was given a
lovely bouquet of flowers and I received a bottle of wine. We headed
home, back down through Mid Wales, and both of us felt that the event
was well worth attending - not for the run, the weather spoilt that;
not for the views over the fells, as they just weren't there; but for
meeting such an enthusiastic group of members who had made us
so welcomed. Exactly what out wonderful club is all about.
23rd/24th/25th July
- Norwich & District sections camping weekend near Attleborough
Norfolk. Friday saw us head off with our 1908 Triumph outfit in tow for
East Anglia. Our GPS took us along the M4 and around the M25 and up the
M11 - a big mistake. The M25 was stop start, nose to tail, and we added
over an hour and a half to the journey time - but it was a Friday
afternoon and I should have guessed. We arrived at our B&B just
before 6pm and soon settled in. The camp site was in a field immediately
across the road from where we were staying and a fish & chip
arrived just before we walked over to the field. The queue didn't take
too long to diminish and Jean and I were soon tucking in. A small bar
had been set up on site to dispense drinks etc. Afterwards Cliff Arthur
entertained us by playing his ukulele, guitar and home made banjo - a
lovely evening, I must say. Saturday dawned nice and bright and we set
off on the 80 mile run through some lovely countryside with fields of
ripe wheat everywhere. We visited Blakeney on the North
coast and soon moved on to the Muckleburgh collection of militaria,
which is a privately owned collection, complete with 16 fully working
tanks. The coastal area also has a few hills and three caught us out -
one Jean walked up while I had another run at it and managed to get to
the top. The second one the Triumph made it to within 50 yards of the
summit, whilst the third one was just a bridge too far - we had a tow
up that one from the back-up vehicle, and I thought that Norfolk was
flat!! We soon finished the 40 odd miles back to the event site and
after a clean-up headed back to the camping field for the BBQ and
another evening of reminiscing in the marquee. The Sunday morning run
was a mere 40 odd miles to visit the workshops of one of the local
members and as we started off the weather began to look threatening, so
it was on with the water-proofs. There was no real need as it did rain
a bit whilst we were drinking our coffee but by the time we got back on
the road the clouds began to lift and the sun came out. Another BBQ for
lunch, followed by the gymkhana. I ducked out of that one as the
Triumph outfit was most unsuitable for riding a slalom course or trying
to limbo under a pole etc - it was good fun watching though, and a
pleasure to present the prize to Roy Arthur who was riding his brothers
little 'built like a bridge' Barnett. All too soon it was over. The
trip home along the M25 produced another hour and a half traffic jam as
the result of an accident.

31st July/1st August - I was due to attend the Racing
sections meeting at Lydden on the Saturday but received no response to
my request for passes/info etc so decided to give it a miss. Sunday was
a different thing as I was to ride the 1923 P&M in a Cotswolds
section event and you can read all about that on the P&M page.
6th Aug to Monday 16th Aug - This was the week for the
Scottish events, I
originally reported them here but since that, we have had an upgrade on
our web hosting package so I have extracted the information and added a
lot more information and photographs - have a look at the Scottish report
19th Aug to Monday 23rd Aug - Jean and I, along with Terry
and Dilys headed for Belgium and the Oude Klepper Parade. Find the
report in the Features.
25th Aug to Monday 6th Sept - We were down to attend the
Manx Rally - read all about it here.
18th Sept to Wednesday 22nd Sept
- This weekend it was the Isle of Wight Scurry, sadly clashing with the
Saundersfoot weekend that we usually ride in. However, with so many
events it's not possible to attend them all and, certainly for
year, I've operated on a first come first served basis when invited to
attend a section event. Report on the 2010 Scurry is here.
10th October - the Cyclemotor Section 100 Miler -
Reported as a separate article. An excellent event, I must say and one
that I enjoyed very much.
16th October and the Classic Mechanics show at Stafford
- An early start for this one. I picked Stewart up at 6am and we were
soon in the exhibitors car park at 8.30. We had some small problems
with a 'jobsworth' who insisted that we couldn't park there, despite
having the necessary exhibitors passes, as we didn't have an exhibitors
car pass. I won't mention just how we got around that one but we were
soon in the exhibition ground. It was a long day for both of us - I did
my bit as President on the club stand - loads of talking and shaking
hands, all very enjoyable, I must say. Stewart managed to find two
parts that he'd been looking for , so all in all a successful day.
17th October - The Cotswolds Section social run
- I'd pencilled this event in as a possible for an outing with the
P&M outfit and had managed to persuade Stewart to act as the
sidecar passenger as Jean had decided to stay home this weekend. There
are some notes in the P&M article and suffice to say we both
had a
super day - here's some photos: -

22nd October - Visit Bristol Section for their Faggots 'n' peas
night - A very pleasant evening talking to members of the
Bristol Section and
in particular, Wally Flew. The Faggots were great, by the way.
23rd October - West South Wales Section prize giving dinner
- Super evening at the Halfway Inn on the A40. There must have
been the best part of 100 in attendance and it was a real
pleasure to hand out the sections trophies.
7th November - Guy Fawkes run - A local event with the
Vale of Glamorgan NACC. Rode the New Hudson
autocycle in glorious sunshine, a very successful day on a bike, I must
Monday 8th November - Surrey and Sussex section talk -
Arrived on time
after spending the weekend putting a slide show together entitled 'My
50 years on two wheels'. After setting up and the introductions made I
started talking at 8pm and after a 15 minute break around 9, didn't
10.15 - and I didn't say all that I wanted to. The evening seemed a lot
more successful than I had expected and everyone said that they had
enjoyed it very much.
21st November - Cyclemotor Section Peacehaven Farm run and AGM.
- An
excellent day, nice and dry. I rode my 1955 New Hudson on this event
and it ran like clockwork. The AGM, held after the food was dispensed,
passed without any problems. Yvonne Brown stood down as Secretary of
the section - all the rest of the committee were re-elected. After the
meeting we were all allowed to have a good look around the workshops of
the farm. They specialize in repairing Bugattis and there must have
been 20 or so in the workshops in various stages of rebuild. Fabulous
cars and all valued at a lot more than you'd pay for a Honda PC50.
26th/27th November - Management meeting - I
wouldn't normally diary this meeting, but this time I took my 1904
Givaudan to loan it to the M&C collection as I was going to
the VMCC's number one treasure, the
1904 Dreadnought,
on the Saturday. The M&C collection looked after the Dreadnought
the VMCC and is based in Bakewell. The drive there from Burton-on-trent
was none too easy on the Saturday due to snow. Suffice to say that the
Givaudan was delivered ok and the Dreadnought is now in my garage and
ready for some fettling to make sure that it's ready for my riding it
in the Pioneer run next March.
7th December - South Cotswolds Section evening. - An
evening slide show and talk in
Frocester, Gloucestershire to the South Cotswolds section, on the Belgian Oude Klepper event. A very
pleasurable evening.
10th December - Cheshire and North Wales Section - Slide
show and talk on the Belgian Oude Klepper event. Again a warm
welcome and a pleasurable evening.
19th December - Dorset Section ride - This
event was to be a short ride finishing at Pulham Village Hall for a
Christmas dinner. I'm always up for a good feed, however, the weather
stopped this event stone dead. We had quite a lot of snow in South
Wales and it was just as bad in Dorset, so I ducked out and never even
set off for the venue. I'm unsure if the event even took place,
probably not.
25th/26th December - Xmas, of course.
12th January to Sunday 16th - Jean
and I headed for Morpeth on the 12th, which is north of Newcastle, some
350 miles away. We had a meal, early evening, with some of the section
members, and good it was. After that I gave a slide show and talk on my
50 odd years on two wheels. This time I cut the talk down a bit, but it
still lasted over an hour and a half - hopefully it was well received
as I do feel a bit awkward talking about myself.

We then returned to
the Walworth Castle Hotel, about 30 miles south of Newcastle, for four
nights, as I had a dinner/dance/prize giving on the Saturday for the
South Durham section. It seemed silly to drive home 350 miles on
Thursday and then drive 300 odd miles back up on Saturday. We managed
to fit in a visit to Shildon to view the exhibits that are the overflow
from the National Railway Museum in York, plus we visited Beamish, the
living museum of the North. Beamish is a place that I had always wished
to see and it was good. Saturday arrived, with the South
Section's event and was a super evening.
20th January - Visit to the Flat Tank Section at Leyhill
prison to give a talk on the Oude Klepper in Belgium. All well received.
22nd January
- We headed for Newquay in Cornwall for the Cornwall sections annual
Dinner and Prize Giving at the Sandy Lodge Hotel. There was a really
good attendance of 85 members and wives and the dinner was excellent.
After the prize giving I was presented with an embroidered baseball cap
- a nice touch, I must say. Then there followed an evening of pig
racing which was great fun and if you really want to know what it was
all about - ask me.
23rd January
- On the way home we diverted to Shaftesbury to attend the inaugural
meeting of the Wessex Flat Tank group. There were some 43 members in
attendance and all went well with the group being set up properly. That
pleased me as it will give me another section to ride with and who will
produce sympathetic routes for my Veteran machines.
29th January - It was with great
pleasure that Jean and I attended
the Cotswold
Sections Annual Dinner and Prize Giving. I've always regarded the
Cotswold section as the grand-daddy of the Western Region sections.
Apart from the great food - again - I was able to award the Team Shield
for the Felix Burke rally that was formerly the Cotswolds Road Trial. I
picked up the Shield and noticed that the first recipients were 'South
Wales Section' in 1961. It's 50 years since we first won the trophy and
three of us stood in the courtyard of the Andoversford Hotel and formed
our section in order to receive the trophy. My, how the time has flown.
6th February - Jean and I attended the Flat Tank dinner at
the Tudor Arms, Slimbridge and I presented the trophies.
24th February
- A trip to the fledgling Dartmoor section meeting at the Welcome
Stranger pub, where I gave a talk on my 50 years on two wheels.
1st March - A visit to the North Cotswolds Section at the
Lygon Arms, ChippingCampden. Gave a talk on the Oude Klepper Parade.
5th March
- Attended the Somerset Section Autojumble at Shepton Mallet with Paul
St.Mard who had come over from Belgium with another good friend, Pierre
20th March - The Pioneer run. Many thanks to Rob J and
Barry C for the help, reported on it's own page.
28th March - Visited the North West Section at the Barons
Club, Ormskirk and spoke on the Oude Klepper parade.
10th April - The VMCC AGM where I handed the Presidency
over to Colin Bell.