Reports of Section Runs and Meetings for 2024

Reports are listed in reverse order i.e. newest first. At the start of a New Year they will be removed to the page called the 'previous year' on the Lounge drop down button above.
the photos use a slide show type of presentation, just click any photo to start there.

20th-23rd Sept - IOW Scurry
Rob and I entered the IOW event for this year. We took my little 1952 Peugeot and Rob's 1959 MAC in my trailer - setting off on Friday morning for our crossing to the Island from Portsmouth to Fishbourne. It was bit of a nightmare getting through Portsmouth and we were early for our ferry. Wasn't long though, and were heading into Newport on the island, only to find the road closed. After taking a few wrong turns we eventually found the Orchards campsite and the caravan that we had hired for the next three days. An evening meal was arranged in a local pub, so Rob and I set off and were first there.
Saturday morning and we all assembled at the front of the caravan park.

09.30 saw us all leave for St Thomas' square in the centre of Newport to put the bikes on display. Only 26 had entered the event, but over 100 were in the centre of Newport . Some never rode their bikes and the others were more intent on showing off their bikes and saving themselves the entry fee for the weekend event. The IOW section were well aware of the 'hangers on' and decided that the trophies were limited to the bikes that had entered the event. The weather was super and Rob and I headed for the usual cafe for a tea.

The County Cup was awarded to the vee twin Enfield and when looking for the rider it turned out that he had collapsed and was being attended to in an ambulance on the other side of the square - he was duly presented with the trophy whilst in the ambulance, which soon whisked him off to hospital to be checked out - all was ok as it transpired.
At 2pm all the entered bikes headed off to Calbourne Mill for the afternoon where there was a 1940's weekend show on. Rob and I partook of yet more tea and just didn't find the time to look at the old cars or the stationary engines that were chuffing away in the field. Back to the Orchards holiday park before setting off for Freshwater and the local Indian restaurant. All the seats were fully booked so we had a take away and ate back in our caravan, and both agreed that the grub was very good.
Sunday morning dawned all drizzly and Rob and I decided that we didn't need to get wet so opted to see the bikes off, and then to head for the Wight Mouse Inn for a lunch. The food was good and the service excellent - it was then back to the campsite and wait until 6.30 and the get together in the Sun Inn for the prize presentation, a fun quiz and a buffet.
Monday morning and we had the bikes all loaded in the trailer as we headed for the visit to the Military museum on the road between Newport and Cowes. After having lunch there we headed for Yarmouth and the 2pm boat to Lymington. The drive home took longer than we thought as the main road to Bath was closed - but we did have a good weekend.
14th July - 3 Castles Run
Organised by Andy - those turning out were Bryn T, John H, Andy W, Wayne B and Vince C. All went well I'm told, apart from Vince's Comet which decided to play up - so he headed home early.

16th June - Banbury Run
As usual, I was volunteered to sort out the concours awards for the Banbury. It was a super but tiring day, I must say. Luckily there were only around 350 machines that needed judging. One of the judges did not turn up, but I had the job done by just after noon. Richard Williams, who was our area rep, attended the trophy presentation and did not feel too well so called the paramedics and was soon on his way to hospital - he came out the following day with a pace-maker fitted and is now recovering well at home.

10th June - Bring a bike night
Not a great turn out but we had a very worthy winner in a 1935 Nimbus, ably restored by Robin Davies.

19th May - Black Mountain event
Rob and myself had entered this event and I managed to convince Howard that he should come with me as navigator. Basically, we had a good day out with a superb run around some of the lanes in the Black Mountain area.

14th April - Spring run
Bob, Bryn, Rob and Howard met up at Llanharry Workman's Club for the Spring Run. It was a bright morning as the Norton Commando, Triumph Bonneville, Velo MAC and Honda 400/4 headed through Pencoed and then west along the A48. We joined the M4 for one junction before heading up the valley towards Afon Argoed and Cymmer. We stopped at the Bwlch for a cup of tea as the weather had turned chilly. From here Bob and Bryn headed to Maesteg and home while Rob and Howard journeyed through the Rhondda to Aberdare and another tea stop before they reached home.

6/7th April - Cheddar weekend
Howard and Carol, Rob Jones, Bruce and Di, plus Jean and myself all entered the Cheddar weekend. Rob managed to win his class, whilst the rest of us all disappeared without trace on the results sheet. Jean was unable to ride with me, so Rob opted to navigate on the Saturday and we had a good day out, despite getting my Lomax sideways on one rather mucky lane. It rained at one point and Rob and I were mesmerised by the windscreen wiper on the Lomax, which actually worked and was doing a good job. So much so that we missed the next instruction on the route sheet, however, all turning out ok in the end.

27th March
This day was the bus trip to Sammy Millers Museum. Things got off to a start at 8am, with a near full bus. The trip was slowed by a few traffic queues on the way, but the visit was good, including a personal tour of the workshop by Sammy himself. The trip back home was nice and straight forward with a good day having been had by all.

22nd January
This evening was to be our presentation dinner at the Llanharry club, but we cancelled it as there was poor support. We did give out the few trophies that we could though.