Technical Library
Currently the format for this section has not
been formalised
though it proposed to include specifications, plus useful information
concerning maintenance and repairs etc. Each file will open in it's own
window so all that
you have to do is close it and you will still be in the Technical
library. If anyone has any technical information to share
let the Web master
know via the address on the Office
The following files are mainly PDF files and
will need Adobe reader to view them, it is free and obtainable
from here.
Concentric parts 1966
specifications EK
specifications 2
Lucas magneto auto advance units
Lucas magneto workshop manual
Lucas magneto supplement
Lucas magdyno workshop manual
Thread sizes
In the
case your spark plug being discontinued, check this list,
then go to the NGK
and you can work through either the Motorcycle catalogue, or, if your
machine is not listed and you know the code for the old Champion plug,
go to the Product Cross Reference. I've worked through a number of my
machines and in every case I've managed to track the modern NGK
and Frame numbers: -
- information and numbers etc
Sturmey Archer gearbox numbers
Bosch Magneto numbers
BMW frame and
engine numbers on Phil Hawksleys website. Plus loads of other
BMW info.
numbers: -
members may well own a motorcycle not registered on the DVLA computer
yet would know the registration number. Firstly,
if the make and registration number are known then go to this
and make the enquiry.
If the bike is known to the DVLA, then just apply for a duplicate
registration document. Failing that, it
is possible to recover the original registration number under the V765
scheme, details of which can be had from the VMCC Library.
Briefly you would need some piece of paperwork to support an
application to retain the original number for your machine. Something
like the old
Log Book or an old tax disc would be ideal. Another option is a
certified copy of the original record from the original registering
authority. To find the name of the original registration authority and
where it's archive now is, needs a bit of detective work. Note that not
all registration authority records have been saved in an archive, so
you may be unlucky.
you need to determine the authority that originally issued your
registration number, that you can find here
in this PDF file. There's a lot of information in the file and
has been put together in country (England, Wales, Scotland etc) order.
Having found the name of the original registration authority, go to
the kitheadtrust
location list
and you will find, hopefully, the location of the archive - then you
need to contact the archive to obtain a copy of the original record,
quoting registration, frame and engine numbers. I believe that some
archives charge for the service, so be prepared for that. Having
obtained your evidence you would then need to contact the VMCC, who are
authorised by the DVLA to operate the V765 scheme - you will need to
complete the clubs A1 inspection form that the Library will send and,
on receipt of the completed form, the club would then
arrange for an inspection of the machine. Good luck and if you need
help then contact the web master on the Office page.
With no documentary evidence, even if you know the original reg number,
will have to apply for an age related number - a simpler procedure.
Again, it's the VMCC who can provide a 'statement of search' to date
the machine, details of which can be found on the main VMCC
a registered machine: -
If the make and registration number are known then go to this
and you can make a simple enquiry to determine if the reg
number is known to the DVLA. The system will
tell you if the vehicle is taxed, sorned or unlicensed. The later
category indicates that the vehicle is known to the DVLA but that it is
on the 'dormant' register. That means that you do not have to tax the
machine or sorn it. Remember that as soon as you do tax the machine, it
will move permanently on to the 'live' register and from then on you
will either have to tax or sorn it.
If the reg number is on one of the DVLA registers, then just apply for
a duplicate registration document.
If there is no record:
Follow this link
and enter
in the registration number and very basic information comes up on that
registration number, including the all important vehicle maker as
recorded by the DVLA. I had to use it for
my New
Hudson - the DVLA enquiry told me that it wasn't on the database, but I
have a V5C. Using this search system I found that it is listed as
'NEWHUDSON' and not 'NEW HUDSON' - the space making all the difference.
Somehow I can't see myself trying to get the DVLA to put the space in.
Of course, this check may well tell you that the reg number is in use
on another vehicle - in which case you will need to follow the Age
Related Number route.
the taxation class of your motorcycle to "Historic Vehicle"
Government, from April 2014, set up a new rolling 40 year rule
vehicles to be re-classified as "Historic"and
therefor become tax-exempt.
In addition, provided that the vehicle is registered as Historic,
and has not been "substantialy modified" in the last 30 years
then it is also eligible to be MOT exempt.
Have a read of the instructions on how to change the taxation class on
the DVLA INF34 form - here
Download the V10, which you will need - here
Something not widely known, is that when you get your motorcycle
taxation class changed to 'Historic Vehicle', you may then use black
and white number plates. However, the use of B&W
number plates on Historic Vehicles ceased for any vehicle
first registered after 1980 . Read this about the DVLA on the Gov
following websites can provide on-line motorcycle manuals: -
Various makes - A Spanish site
with old
and modern bike manuals
and brochures in many languages for makes from Adler to Zundapp.
Motobecane (Mobylette etc) Manuals
can be downloaded, page by page,
from this site which seems to have a comprehensive set
of manuals - well worth a look if you have a Mobylette or some
at the moment the site is building, but there are a lot of downloadable
manuals, brochures and handbooks for Triumph and Norton. The site is
nice and easy to use.
There are quite a few manuals posted on this site, especially by a
contributor called Thunderbird3. They are not easy to download as the
site asks you to sign in using Facebook, which is something
that I
would not recommend you use, or you can register directly with the
site. However, they ask for money for you to be able to download the
manuals. Let me know if you need any help with this as it can be
Riders Association
for those moped manuals, I downloaded my Honda P50 manual from this
motorcycle manuals
a load of links to sites that have manuals on-line and ready for
downloading, but don't get too excited as I've found many broken links
and sods law says that the link won't work for the manual that you're
looking for. However, all is not lost as there is a thing called 'The
Wayback Machine' towards the top of the page and I've been able to find
several manuals that I wanted by using that facility - give it
go. It really is easy to use, although a bit slow in recovering the
page that you want from the archive - so, if you find that a link is
broken, highlight the URL(that's the bit in the search window box that
starts HTTP), go to edit and click 'copy'. Then go to the wayback
machine and
set the mouse
pointer in the search box. Then go to 'edit' and click 'paste' and the
URL will appear in the box. Then click the 'take me back' button and
wait with fingers crossed, it usually works.
Salter motorcycle manuals
Easy to use site for various manuals - many modern
ones, but worth
looking through the list.