and all - a Honda VF Trike in Bridgend
photo to see a larger picture in a slide show.)
following is taken from an article, written by Dave Cooper and printed
in the Spring 2011 edition of 'Open House', the quarterly
magazine of the National Association for Bikers with a Disability
(NABD). This is Dave's story: -
quite frankly, just got it all wrong in June
of 2000, I'd thrown an RF 900 down the road resulting in a very broken
(nothing left) and a very broken me. Broken back, severed spinal cord,
paraplegic and paralysed from the waist down, amongst other things.
could be worse eh?
fact if it wasn't for one particularly incredible
guy, who hopped off his R6, having parked it in the middle of the road
to stop
someone coming round the corner and running me over, then fishing my
tongue out
of the back of my throat to stop me choking and drowning on the mess
coming out
of my smashed up face, it would have been worse... much worse. That's a
thanks to the Iain Frazer right there! And some!
I then entered the world of hospitals and for the
part of the next year did my rehab at the spinal injury unit in Cardiff
that is HMP
Rookwood (only joking, that's just what we called it). There the
fabulous N
A's, nurses, physios, porters, doctors, physiologists (Hmm, maybe
needed one of
those before the off), cooks, cleaners and general bottle washers, who
doubt helped me piece myself back together. Many thanks to
them all!
surprise! I wasn't the only one in there at
the time who couldn't stay on his bike and before we'd even got out of
our beds
the talk had turned to stabilisers, sidecars, trikes, gadgets and
gizmo's that we
thought could get us back in the saddle.
trike idea really seemed to be the way to go for
me. I really do think there's something about these 'biker types' (not
what it is but they do say there's a fine line'?)
been in the middle of a particularly
acrimonious divorce at the time of the spill (that would be the adding
''insult'' to injury bit then?) I was also homeless and spent the next
years sorting out somewhere to live, as the shoebox just wasn't cutting
it. (''You were
lucky you were...'')
intervening seven years have been about looking
into the world of the third wheel, saving every penny I could and quite
possibly, probably boring everyone and anyone who would listen to me
the itch I couldn't scratch.
know how it is?
years ago I ran into a bloke who was part of a new
bunch of petrol heads of the two wheeled variety that are the
VMCC (Vintage
Motor Cycle Club). Now if you're a post decimalised pup like me you
don't give this world much thought, but let me tell you, these guys
still have
as much passion for getting out there as anyone. John and his pals, who
been out there since before most of us were allowed to pee on our own,
gave me
the benefit of a huge amount of knowledge,
advice and not least, encouragement to scratch that itch! Many thanks
& the boys!
looking into the whole trike and disabled rider
thing I came across "The NABD'' and a couple of years back was lucky
enough to meet up with a chap by the name of Bob Sutton who invited me
over to
his place where he happened to have the NABD'S adaptation rig with all
different clutch/brake combinations on it. He gave me some sound advice
and inspiration
that lit the blue touch paper, cheers Bob!
a near cock-up purchase off Ebay (I know Bob, I
know) I ended up paying a visit to Bruce down at BB Customs in Poole. A
nicer fellow you
couldn't wish to meet. He gave
me a lot of time and patience, letting me hop on and off all the
muscle, cruiser, trike-choices he had until I'd figured out what worked
for me.
last summer having found the right bike, right
builder and pulled the last few sheckles out of the back of the couch,
built and adapted my trike complete with a swinging/hinging wheelchair
that's the mutts nuts.
ten years pass eh. I don't know how much longer it
would have taken me to get together enough money for the adaptations,
but the
'not insubstantial and very much, appreciated’ NABD grant for the
brakes, reverse gear and wheelchair rack has got me where I am now.
that just leaves me to repeat my heartfelt thanks
to ''The'' Iain Frazer, Rookwood, the listeners, Bob, John, and, by no
least ''The NABD''! By joining, subscribing, fund raising
and involvement, this organisation exists.
to every one of you that helps to make it work, I
thank you, ONE AND ALL!