Scottish Triple 2010
photo to see a larger picture - then just follow the slide show.)
6th Aug to Mon 16th Aug - This was the week for the three
Scottish events, the S&T on the first weekend, the Plus One on
the Wednesday/Thursday followed by the National at Blairgowrie on the
second weekend. I'd entered the '25 Indian for the S&T
and the National, but had put the '36 Nimbus down for the Plus one as
the Indian had developed yet another problem before I'd entered the
event. So, we set off for Scotland with two bikes in tow, taking the
M5/M6 - gee what a mistake. Stop/start all the way. It took us over 11
hours to get to Crieff. Terrific B&B with the cooked breakfasts
including haggis - it's a special kind made especially for breakfasts,
so I was told by Michael, our host. Nice it was too, although
very spicy. Anyway, I'd
taken my SLR camera which was just
a bit too bulky to carry on the bike - must remember to take my small
Fuji next time. Consequently, I didn't get as many photos as I'd have
liked - hence, some have been purloined from Jacqui Watson's blog - but
I'm sure she won't mind a bit. Jacqui's blog is linked from the general
links page in the library, but to save you looking it's here.
S&T(Strathendrick and Trossachs)
Run by the Stirling Castle section and based at the Crieff Rugby Club,
the weather did look promising for the whole weekend. The Saturday run
took place in glorious weather with the
Indian deciding to wet-sump a bit and cover everyone in smoke at the
start. Lucky thing that was, as those with the cameras couldn't see my
embarassment as they snapped away. We were soon off to
the sound of the bagpipes and after a stop just down the road to adjust
the oil pump, the bike then behaved itself all day. What can I say
about the
Trossachs apart from it really is a beautiful area. Don't miss it, if
you ever get to Scotland. We passed through Aberfoyle and
took the Dukes pass, it just went up and up. Luckily the
Indian had no problem with the two of us on it, even though some of the
bends were real hairpins. Lunch was taken at the Clachan Cottage Hotel
on the side of Loch Earn whereupon, whilst drinking a coffee
outside, a familiar face appeared. It was Nick Jonckheere from Ostend,
one of the organising team for the OKP. He was on holiday in Scotland
with Patricia, his wife and their two children. Isn't it a small world?

The evening culminated in
an outdoor
buffet which was extremely pleasurable while watching the sun go down
and chatting to like minded enthusiasts. I said a few words and
presented the trophies with a fair few going to fellow Welshmen (and
For Sunday, I decided against using
the Indian as it had developed yet another fuel leak from the tank - so
the trusty Nimbus was pressed into service. It sure was a good idea to
it with us. The
social run of 65 odd miles took in a coffee stop at Innerpeffray
the oldest library in Scotland, having been founded in 1680. We were
really priviledged to be able to see some of the oldest books that they
had. It was all over far too soon, I must say. Back in Crieff I removed
the Indian tank and cleaned the underside to see the problem - soon fix
that with a welding torch, I thought. OK, I know, but I'll tell you one
day just how to do it safely. Anyhow, no torch available so it was a
question of finding some Petropatch to repair it on a temporary basis,
a job for Monday.
We were to stay in Crieff for another day, the Monday, so took the
opportunity to do
some sightseeing whilst the local garage located some Petropatch to
repair the leak in the Indian tank.

and I decided to go
for a trip on Loch Katrine and sample one of the two boats. One was a
Victorian steamer called the 'Sir Walter Scott', the other boat was
named after Scott's
poem, 'The Lady of the Lake'. It was the beauty of Loch Katrine that
inspired Scott to write the words of his poem back in 1810. We didn't
make the Loch
in time to catch the steamer but were able to photgraph it from the top
deck of the other cruiser.
As we cruised along the lake we could see a large Victorian house that
was built there for Queen Victoria. It seems that the Queen on her
first visit there insisted on a 21 gun salute when she had arrived.
That took place and blew all the windows out on the side of the house
facing the salute - Victoria never went there again.

On the way back one of the crew recited
some of Walter Scott's poem and my jocular comment to him after he had
was that I didn't understand a word of it. He took it in good stead and
laughingly said that he must get another job.

took some
very atmospheric pictures of the Loch
as the day had started a bit on the drizzly side but turned out to be
one to remember. When we returned to the jetty and disembarked it was
back into the car and head for Aberfoyle as we were told that we'd find
a fuel station there as the car's 'low fuel' light was on. Very few
petrol stations in this part of the UK, I must say. We stayed in
Aberfoyle for a few hours and had some lunch before heading, at a
leisurely pace - well, we were tourists today - back to Crieff. The
Petropatch had arrived and I applied it as per instructions and
refitted the tank to the Indian. All seemed ok after I'd added some
fuel, so the bike was ready for the Scottish National at Blairgowrie on
the next
evening Jean and I went to Doune to the evening meeting of the Stirling
Castle section. It was a real pleasure to be there alongside Colin and
Marion Bell and amongst an excellent turnout of members. Bill
Dunlop entertained us all with a slide show and talk on Wooler
motorcycles. Afterwards I promised to send him a copy of the slide of a
Wooler that I'd taken at the 1963 Banbury run, to add to his slide show.
Plus One
Tuesday we were to move on to Mintlaw for the Plus One. Saying goodbye
to Michael, our landlord, I loaded the bikes and we set off, travelling
scenic way, up past Braemar and Balmoral. Arriving at the Aden Country
Park, we left the trailer and bikes with Jim and Pat Kirkham and after
cuppa with them we headed
off for our B&B at the Country Park Inn. When I made the
booking earlier in the year it all seemed a bit off hand, shall I say.
The landlady wasn't there to show us our room and when she did
eventually arrive adopted a rather surly attitude. Overall, the room we
were offered was not made up and dirty. The room we had originally
booked was occupied by someone else, plus the outside of the pub hadn't
been cleaned for months - not nice at all, especially as the landlady
finally told us to 'take it or leave it'. You can guess what we decided
to do. So, Jacqui found us, along with Harry and Fran Wiles,
accommodation further down the road. A super hotel and Jean and I fell
in lucky and had a four-poster bed in our room. We ate a superb meal
there that evening with Andrew Rae plus Harry and Fran Wiles who were
staying at the hotel.

Wednesday dawned and
it was
raining, wouldn't it just. We set off from the Country Park
along the east coast and
eventually turned inland
stopping for lunch in Inverurie. By that time both Jean and I were
soaking - The Nimbus ran fine though. We decided to head straight back
to the finish and made that under black skies and with no trouble. Wet
clothes were hung all over the bedroom in the hotel as we readied
ourselves for the evening dinner and prize giving, which went off in
fine manner.

Luckily all our clothes dried out overnight and we were able to use
them again for the next day.

The sun did shine for the social run on
the Thursday, along the north coast after which the evening was
rounded off with a herring and ham supper whilst Hazel sang folk songs.
A super two days and well organised by the North East Section with
Jacqui and her mum, Mary, who, I must say, downed a few Belgian beers
in fine style, deserving special mention.

Scottish National
Friday saw us travel down to Blairgowrie for the Scottish National
event - the Indian was ready with it's tank sporting the petropatch
that was showing signs of seepage - not enough to worry about though. A
super lunch was taken at a pub, just outside Glamis Castle.
again the weather was fine and we had a lovely run on the Indian that
day. I reckoned that it was at last becoming a reliable bike.

saw the event dinner, with yours truly presenting the prizes.
Stan Williamson had the wooden spoon for forgetting which bike he'd
entered and turning up on the wrong one.
Social Run

used the Nimbus for the social run to a
preserved railway in Brechin the
day, which took place in glorious sunshine.
tail-end story

had been talking to Harry on the Friday evening about
Jacqui's famous, or is it infamous, Tiger Cub - known as 'cubbie'.
'Where is it?' I asked Harry. 'Back
suspension is seized' he replied. I
commented that it was an easy fix to replace pin and bushes and if it
could be got to us then I'd
take it home and fix it for her. Jacqui duly brought the bike to the
campsite on the Saturday morning and it was left with Jim and Pat
Kirkham to look after until I collected it on the way back home to
on the Monday morning. Must say that I
wondered just what I'd volunteered for, especially when I heard the
list of other things that needed fixing. But all that's all another